T-Ball Baseball Ages 5-6 Baseball/Softball/Tball
Thank you for registering your child for the Salinas PAL Junior Giants League via gojrgiants.org. This is the initial step in the registration process. The next essential step is to complete the Salinas PAL application on salinaspal.org, click on sign up and download and complete. Application can be emailed to juniorgiants@salinaspal.org or be drop of to 100 Howard st. Salinas ca 93901 in mail drop off box, located in front of building. It is mandatory for participation in the league.
Additionally, for children aged 5 to 7, a copy of the birth certificate is required. Please email both the completed application and, if applicable, the birth certificate to juniorgiants@salinaspal.org.
Please note, your child's participation in the Junior Giants is contingent upon the completion of these registration requirements. We appreciate your prompt attention to these details to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for your child in the league.